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Fig. 6 | One Health Advances

Fig. 6

From: Intercontinental spread and clonal expansion of ColRNA1 plasmid-bearing Salmonella Corvallis ST1541 strains: a genomic epidemiological study

Fig. 6

Phylogeographic and global expansion of ST1541 Salmonella Corvallis strains. A The branch lengths are scaled in years and colored according to the location of the most probable ancestor of descendant nodes. Red nodes at the terminal of each linage represent sampling times. B The changes in effective population size of Salmonella Corvallis strains over time. The solid red line displays the median value, and the shaded red regions indicate the 95% highest posterior density of genetic diversity estimates. C Geographical dissemination of Salmonella Corvallis strains depicted by phylogenetic trees. Curves exhibit the among-country strains lineage transitions statistically supported with BF > 3 for Salmonella Corvallis strains. The color of each arrow denotes the various Bayes factor of transfers between different countries

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